Research by Category ListFormat: WORDFile Size: 47 KBDownload Cultivation Vestiging en versorging Meynhardt 1976Format: PDFFile Size: 153 KBDownload Bract Browning The effect of high temperature and water stress on the development of bract browning in Protea ‘Pink Ice’Format: PDFFile Size: 402 KBDownload Diseases Proteas Phytophthora wortel en kraagvrot BritsVonBroembsen 1978Format: PDFFile Size: 378 KBDownloadSOIL TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR A REPLANTED LEUCOSPERMUM ORCHARDFormat: PDFFile Size: 2,9 MBDownload General Die Baardproteas Vogts 1977Format: PDFFile Size: 1,7 MBDownloadP cynaroides Intensiewe snyblomverbouing Vogts 1979Format: PDFFile Size: 490 KBDownloadP cynaroidws Intensiewe snyblomverbouting I Vogts 1979Format: PDFFile Size: 342 KBDownloadProteas Intensiewe Snyblomverbouing Lsp soorte Vogts 1979Format: PDFFile Size: 1,9 MBDownload Insects AN ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATIVE POSTHARVEST TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE DISINFESTATION OF FRESH CAPE FLORA CUT FLOWERS FOR EXPORT FROM SOUTH AFRICAFormat: PDFFile Size: 3,4 MBDownloadNovel technologies for the postharvest treatment of Cape Flora to control phytosanitary insect pestsFormat: PDFFile Size: 357 KBDownloadPostharvest insect pest control for western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in exported cut Proteaceae flowersFormat: PDFFile Size: 319 KBDownloadPostharvest insect pest disinfestation in export Proteaceae cut flowers - the potential of new disinfestation strategiesFormat: PDFFile Size: 2,3 MBDownloadAlgemene proteaplae Starke 1979Format: PDFFile Size: 1,1 MBDownloadPests and Diseases Meynhardt 1976Format: PDFFile Size: 166 KBDownloadSanitasie in proteaboorde om plae en siektes te beheer CoetzeeVonBroemdsen Brits 1988Format: PDFFile Size: 1,3 MBDownload Leaf Blackening Leaf Blackening: A Serious Impediment to Long‐Term Cold Storage, Transport, and Extended Vase Life in Protea Cut FlowersFormat: PDFFile Size: 4 MBDownloadProtea Leaf blackeningFormat: PDFFile Size: 2,9 MBDownloadThe efficacy of alternate sugars, trehalose and lactulose, as a postharvest treatment in Protea ‘Sylvia’, to alleviate leaf blackeningFormat: PDFFile Size: 667 KBDownloadThe efficacy of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a postharvest treatment in Protea, to enhance vase life and maintain qualityFormat: PDFFile Size: 484 KBDownload Manipulations Promotion of flowering in waratahs (Telopea speciosissima)Format: PDFFile Size: 325 KBDownloadApplication of plant growth regulators to single Leucospermum stems to extend stem lengthFormat: PDFFile Size: 475 KBDownloadGrowth manipulations of Leucospermum cut flowers with the application of plant growth regulatorsFormat: PDFFile Size: 5 MBDownloadSnoei van proteas vir snyblomproduksie BritsJacobsSteenkamp 1986Format: PDFFile Size: 845 KBDownload Nutrition Mineral Nutrition of Cultivated South Africa ProteaceaceFormat: PDFFile Size: 1,5 MBDownloadPhosphorus toxicity in proteas: symptoms and ameliorationFormat: PDFFile Size: 1,1 MBDownloadThe Protea Grower’s Manual: Sustainable Nutrition and IrrigationFormat: PDFFile Size: 11,1 MBDownloadGrondvoorbereiding en bemesting van proteas Claassens 1980Format: PDFFile Size: 129 KBDownload Post Harvest Feasibility of closed ventilation and automatic ventilation for sea freight of Proteaceae cut flower stemsFormat: PDFFile Size: 3,2 MBDownload Propagation Proteas Die beworteling van steggies Jacobs Stennkamp 1976Format: PDFFile Size: 468 KBDownload Sustainability The scale, structure and sustainability of the wild fynbos harvesting supply chain in the cape floral kingdomFormat: PDFFile Size: 4 MBDownloadThe scale, structure and sustainability of the wild fynbos harvesting supply chain in the cape floral kingdomFormat: PDFFile Size: 1,3 MBDownloadSocial and environmental responsibility of the floriculture industry in South AfricaFormat: PDFFile Size: 282 KBDownload