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Fynbos Industry|Legislation

The Dispensation Procedure is as follows:

Dispensation Procedure for Fynbos

  1. The dispensation application is submitted to the Department of Agriculture (DoA), using the official dipensation request form available on the DoA web site.
  2. The DoA refers all requests, via the convener, to the Industry Committee for inputs, on an anonymous basis. Comments from the Industry Committee go directly to Richard Hurndall ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) by 9am the following morning (Mondays to Thursdays), or by 3pm on Fridays. Should the application be made by a member of the Industry Committee, then that member is not permitted to make a recommendation.
  3. The Industry Committee reports its recommendation, via the convener, to the DoA (should occur withing 24 hours of receipt of the request). If there is no consensus by the Industry Committee, then for and opposing viewpoints will be forwarded to the DoA for a decision.
  4. The DoA notifies PPECB and the convener of its decision by e-mail; the convener then forwards the decision to the Industry Committee.
  5. The DoA notifies the applicant of its decision.


a. The DoA retains the right to make the final decision, using inputs from any source, but always including the Industry Committee.

b. The Industry Committee is representative of fynbos producers, exporters, technical advisers, PPECB and DoA.

c. Dispensations regarding marking requirements are handled only by the DoA.

d. As much information as possible eg volumes, markets, etc, should be provided on the application so that members of the Industry Committee can make an informed decision.

e. Industry dispensations will be placed on the DoA website.

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